Monday, November 26, 2007


“Free Jena 6” they cried from streets
But this is tangled with other defeats
A stance on racism in Jena has been long overdue
And because of this, a mess has come too
Justice should be served on both sides of this case
A racist boy was beaten in the middle of this place
Racist acts like a “white tree”, nooses and unbearable slurs
But a beating on conscious could never be the cure
The separation of the students existed for many years
And I am sure along with this were many, many tears
When the nooses were hung action should have been taken back then
A plan of attack putting the school and the town in a new direction
Instead more separation instead of unity
Instead a situation that is so sad to me
Politics and judges and many others not making a change
Defending a criminal in the name of racism seems a little strange
It is not getting the justice that is needed in that town
It is building bigger walls that will be harder to take down
Racism is an evil that needs to disappear
Supporting criminal behavior does not make that clear